Halton Hills, ON - Dufferin Aggregates has proposed an expansion to the Milton Quarry, located in the Esquesing, which has been in operation since 1962. The proposal has been submitted under the Planning Act, Niagara Escarpment Planning and Development Act, and the Aggregate Resources Act. The expansion proposal is currently under review by a Joint Agency Review Team (JART) consisting of Town of Halton Hills, Region of Halton, Town of Milton, Niagara Escarpment Commission, and Conservation Halton staff.
The JART, along with various peer reviewers, continue to review technical submissions and resubmissions, primarily pertaining to natural heritage, hydrogeology, transportation, noise, vibration and blasting. The proposed quarry expansion requires an amendment to the Region of Halton Official Plan, for which the Region will be hosting a public meeting in March 2023 to obtain comments and feedback from the public.
As of the date of this report, staff has received 6 resident comments, mostly expressing concern over nuisance impacts from the quarry, such as noise, vibration, and blasting impacts. The purpose of the public meeting is to provide an opportunity for members of the public to share their comments and feedback, which will be thoroughly reviewed and evaluated for inclusion in the Final Recommendation Report to Council at a later date.
Slide from presentation on quarry expansion.
The Milton Quarry, which consists of a 467.6-hectare licensed area for excavation and an 84.5-hectare licensed area for excavation from its 2007 expansion, is a crucial aspect of the region's aggregate resources. However, the proposed expansion has raised concerns among residents and will require careful consideration by the JART, peer reviewers, and the public.
Doris Treleaven, President of POWER (Protect our Water and Environmental Resources) expressed her concerns mainly about the water table. “I’m assuming the quarry is going below the water table.” Doris asked “Where are you going to store this water? ”
Brian Zeman, from MHBC planning responded, “There is a reservoir on site, that is where the water would ultimately be stored.”
After some back and forth between the two, Treleaven wanted to make clear, “Power, our members are not endorsing the application for biodiversity reasons, and we just want to make it official that we do not wish that this application moves forward.”
No decision on the Town of Halton Hills Official Plan Amendment can occur until a decision on the proposed Niagara Escarpment Plan Amendment is made. The proposed quarry expansion is a complex issue that requires a thorough review of its potential impacts on the surrounding area. The public meeting in March 2023 will provide an opportunity for the public to voice their opinions and contribute to the decision-making process.