Official groundbreaking set for new Milton high school Scheduled for Nov. 27 at the school site located on Bronte St South The Halton District School Board will hold an official groundbreaking ceremony for the new Milton southwest high school on Wednesday, Nov. 27 at 1 p.m. The ceremony will take place at the school site, located at 1410 Bronte Street South in Milton (between Louis St. Laurent and Britannia). At the Oct. 2, 2019 Board meeting, Trustees of the Halton District School Board approved the undertaking of a boundary review for the new Milton SW #1 high school to address the growth occurring in southwest Milton. The boundary review will alleviate enrolment pressure at other Milton high schools and accommodate new development within the community. The school, which is anticipated to open in Fall 2021, has a construction budget of approximately $37.6 million. The Halton District School Board has awarded the architectural tender to Hossack & Associates Architects Inc. of Mississauga, and the construction contract to Everstrong Construction of Georgetown. The three-story accessible school will feature 21st century teaching layouts, air conditioning with individual classroom controls, triple gym, bus lay-by and student drop-off area. It will also have a Community Pathways Program hub, which will accommodate two classrooms with a common kitchen area and sensory rooms. In attendance at the ceremony will be Halton District School Board trustees, senior administrative staff, local government officials, area residents and a number of students who will attend the new school once it opens next year.
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