Look UP Tonight - Perseids meteor shower set to be a spectacular show.
This weekend sky watchers are in for a treat with the Perseids meteor shower. Every August, the Perseids streak across the sky and are one of the best meteor showers, following only the Geminid meteor shower in December, but seeing as we live in Canada, and December is freezing cold, the Perseids may be the best time to wish upon a shooting star. This year’s show should be extra special for Acton and Halton Hills as we should have clear sky tonight, and only a thin crescent moon creating little interference from the moonlight.
The Perseids are expected to produce anywhere from 60 - 90 meteors per hour and can be seen simply by going outside and looking UP. Country conditions or places away from city or town lights would be better, but even in your backyard, tonight’s myriad of meteors should be magnificent.
The Perseids are said to be a result of Earth entering the dust trail left by Comet Swift Tuttle/109P which orbits Earth every 130 years. Perseids get their name not because of their parent object but instead as other meteor showers, from the location they hail, thus for Perseids, being the constellation Perseus. The shower runs from July right up until August 24, but it is expected to peak tonight (Saturday, August 11) and tomorrow.
So why not take your significant other out to the Leathertown Dance (happening tonight) at the Acton Town Hall, then follow UP with a night under the stars— What will you be wishing for?