As part of the &14m Federal Aid Package, Branch 197 applied for, and received $10,845.05. most of which will be spent on upgrading our Computer hardware and software, as well as repairs to our air conditioning. This grant reflects the great work that Anne Horne. Has been doing, chasing down grants and recovering insurance claims.
One of the worst things about these lockdowns is that we can no longer say goodbye to those who have passed on. We can no longer hold Celebrations of life, and the recent news that “Dobbie’ Frizzell had passed away made me think of how much we would have enjoyed holding a celebration in his honour. Dobbie joined the Legion back in the early sixties and was one of the founding members of our Thursday night Men’s Cribbage League. I understand he was its first President. I know many of the card players would want to raise a class and say farewell. We hope that when the Branch finally opens, that the families of all those friends and comrades, who have passed away during the branch closure, will give us the opportunity to say goodbye to the likes of Dobbie, and George, and Bryan, and well as other members once we can open again.
We offer condolences to Sheryl McKinley in the loss of her father. We also mourn the loss of a long-time member, Marj Loutett and offer condolences to her son, Ron and his wife Trevolyn and family.
We sold almost 200 tickets for the recent Swiss Chalet fundraiser. We thank Lynda Fischer and her team for their work in keeping our monthly fundraising dinners going and to all who support the dinners. We thank Tanner's and Olympic Greek for our previous two dinners which were excellent.
Please check the webpage at, and in addition we will be posting information on Facebook.
You can email the branch at