OK!! Let us start rolling. We hope to welcome a crowd on Saturday August 7th as we highlight a grand re-opening. We are expecting a special guest from Graceland, who will entertain us in the afternoon... There will be a BBQ with Burgers and Sausages for sale, and we plan to reintroduce our draws. Let us see if we can get as many members and guests as the numbers will allow.
Sports Officer Dave McLean gave me information on our planning for phase 4. We hope to reintroduce the Thursday night Horseshoe League as of the first week of September 2021. If you are interested, new players can contact Keith Andrews through our email address at rclbr197@cogeco.net We are hoping to restart the Tuesday night pickup darts, Wednesday night Ladies darts, and the Thursday night men’s cribbage league, following the Thanksgiving weekend.
The Legion would like to thank Jason and Samantha Shein of The Red Harp in Acton for their generous donation to Branch 197 .
We would also like to thank Paul Aguliar of Swiss Chalet Georgetown for his donation. And especially for the treat he sent us at our last dinner. We appreciate your kindness.
August 22nd is the date set for our annual Fishing derby and Fun day, hosted by the Munday family and friends. Let us hope we permitted to follow through on this one.
Zone command has requested that all legions in our zone produce a donation of $6k for the Leave the streets behind campaign, to meet a specified target. At our executive meeting on July 26th, we approved a $6k donation from our Poppy fund. We also approved a $200.00 donation to Links to acre’s School supply program.
If covid protocols allow we have targeted Monday September 13th to hold our first General meeting in 2 years. It is essential that we meet quorum requirements at this time so please earmark this date and time which will be 8pm.
Please check the webpage at legion197.com, and in addition we will be posting information on Social- Media.
You can email the branch at rclbr197@cogeco.net