Crime Stoppers of Halton, in partnership with the Halton Region Police Service, and the Canadian Mental Health Association (Halton), invite you to join a free, virtual webinar on opioid use in Halton, on Tuesday, March 23, 2021 from 10:30 am – 12:00 pm. Guest speakers from the Canadian Mental Health Association will share information on opioid use and where to turn if you need help. Anyone who is interested in learning more about opioidsand how you can assist, is asked to register for this free seminar on: Eventbrite: Colin Jessome, Executive Director for Crime Stoppers of Halton, says, “Residents from all over Halton struggle with opioid addictions and where to get the much-needed help. We want to bring the information to the forefront and create an opportunity for people to learn more about the challenges of substance use. Free webinars like this are made possible by generous donations from the community and partners like CMHA who work tirelessly to aid those in need.”
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