The Halton Regional Police Service (HRPS) is proud to announce that two of its members, Constable Olga Kripak and Constable David Rivers, have been named co-recipients of the 2022 MADD Halton Region Officer of the Year Award. Both officers were honoured by MADD at HRPS Headquarters on October 19, 2022 (see attached photos).
The annual award is part of an initiative undertaken by MADD Halton Region to recognize officers for their commitment and contributions to the prevention, apprehension, and prosecution of impaired drivers.
Recipients are identified through the use of police analytics.
In 2021, Constables Kripak and Rivers arrested a combined total of 36 impaired drivers. The pair also administered more than 350 roadside tests, and conducted nearly 360 hours of RIDE enforcement. Constable Kripak is a member of the 2 District (Oakville) District Response Unit; Constable Rivers is assigned to Uniform Patrol in 1 District (Milton and Halton Hills).
“On behalf of the Halton Regional Police Service and the community we serve, it is my distinct pleasure to congratulate Officers Kripak and Rivers on their achievement,” said Inspector Julie Craddock of the HRPS Traffic Services Unit, “MADD’s award is a testament to their dedication to keeping our roads safe. Their efforts on this front have, no doubt, saved lives.”
Driving while impaired remains the most prominent contributing factor to serious collisions in Canada. The Halton Regional Police Service thanks MADD Halton Region for their tireless efforts to eliminate impaired driving in Halton and across Canada.
On average, one-third of impaired driving charges laid are the result of members of the public calling police after observing suspected impaired driving. If you have reason to believe a fellow motorist is driving impaired, pull over safely and call 9-1-1.