Cannabis Q&A: E. Mark Lockwood
1. Have you ever used Cannabis? And if so, what did you think of it?
No. Not a smoker and never had the desire to explore. Perhaps edibles someday. I am a believer in the medicinal benefits of cannabis and the various derivates from same.
2. What is your current stance on Cannabis?
Same as the Federal government.
3. Would you vote for Halton Hills to opt in, or opt out, or wait to opt in of the new legislation?
Opt in! I’d rather Halton Hills benefit from the: tax revenue, employment, ability to regulate location, prevent black market....... let’s just say opting in is the only thing that makes sense. We should have been developing policy around this for some time by now.
4. What is your opinion on Cannabis vs. Alcohol? Do you find one substance to be better, more harmful, or equal?
I can’t compare on a personal level, and would never pretend to have the medical knowledge to opine the pros and cons in a cage match between the two!